Chapter 18: Expressionless
Chapter 18: Expressionless
A few days later, Neban looked at the time as he was getting dressed; he and the others are sneaking into a dungeon today.
It may seem easy to sneak into one since nobody was watching them. But that was a lie because the government had sensors near the dungeons and only turned them on when no one blocked out time to use them.
Neban had been holding off on sneaking into one because he wanted to spend time with his son, and deep down worried about taking the others with him; he did not want them to get hurt.
But Siren was starting to get on his nerves and went back on its promise. It won't tell him the mystery behind the dungeons until Neban takes it out so it can eat.
Neban was close to throwing Siren back into the dungeons and letting the sword be someone else's problem. But he decided against it.
As he finished putting on his pants, Neban heard movement coming from his bed. He looked over and saw Theo waking up, rubbing his eyes. "Papa? What are you doing?"
"I am going out. Grandma and Grandpa are coming over to watch you for a few minutes." He answered as he made his way over to his son, sitting down next to him.
Theo pouted, "You cannot stay? We still haven't finished the puzzle."
Neban did not want to admit it; he did not realize how challenging a 1,000-piece puzzle was. It has been a few days, and they were still trying to finish it; at least they are halfway through.
"I know. Sorry. Save it for me, I promise not to take long."
"You promise?"
Neban stuck his pinky out towards his son, "I pinky promise."
Theo wrapped his small pinky around his dad's, giving him a small smile, "Pinky promise."
Once they let go, a knock sounded at the front door. "Do you want to stay here or greet your grandparents?"
Theo thought for a while before lying back down, grabbing his dad's pillow as he hugged it, "I want to stay here."
Neban kissed his head before standing up as he grabbed his phone and fake glasses. He left his bedroom, walking towards the front door, opening it. On the other side were his parents.
"Morning." He greeted as he moved out the way, allowing them inside.
His parents walked in as his father laid down on the couch, pulling out a magazine to read. His mother looked at him as she gave him a once-over, "You better be safe."
"Mother, I've been soloing dungeons for three years; I will be fine."
His mother hummed before looking around, stopping at the finger paint drawing that Theo made (he hung it up yesterday when he bought a black frame for it). "Where is Theo?"
"In the bedroom." He was getting ready to say more, but he heard his phone's ping sound, indicating that someone was messaging him. The sound was becoming consistent, which Neban guessed the others were texting on the group chat.
"I need to go. Bye." Neban used [Shadow Travel] to leave, not waiting for his mother to say anything else.
He appeared a few blocks from the dungeon as he pulled out his phone, checking his messages.
Isona: Anyone there yet? I am a block from the dungeon, sitting in my car.
Owain: The dungeon was near my place, so I am walking. I will be there in 15 more minutes.
Wey: I took the bus. I let my sister use my car yesterday, and she wrecked it.
Owain: You have a sister? How old is she? How does she look? Like you?
Wey: I am going to ignore all your questions.
Isona: Haha. I commend you for trying.
Neban: I am a few blocks away. Let's meet up near Isona.
Wey: Okay. Are we going to talk about how to bypass the sensors?
Owain: I am a good hacker! And I see Isona in her car; I am coming over.
Isona: I saw you too. Let me step out and lock my car doors.
Wey: I'm almost there.
Neban turned off his phone after that as he focused on walking to where Isona was. She did not give an exact location, only stating she was a block away from the dungeon, so he looked around, making sure not to miss her and Owain.
Once he reached where he believed they were, Neban saw Isona and Owain leaning on her car as he made his way over. Isona smiled when she saw him, almost causing Neban to stop in his walk. His stomach was feeling weird again. "Hey, Neban."
Neban hummed in response. Owain looked down at his phone, "Wey will be here soon." After Owain spoke those words, Neban could see Wey walking towards them. The feeling in his stomach only got worse when he saw that he and Wey were matching in their outfits.
He looked away, not wanting to think about what they have on. When Wey stopped in front of them, Neban spoke, "I know how to shut the sensor down for three hours. But only those three hours. After it is up, the companies and the government will be alerted that something is wrong with the sensor."
The others nodded, listening to what Neban told them. Isona took out her phone, "I can keep time." She already had the 'clock' app open.
Owain turned, showing that he was holding a bag. "I brought a first aid kit that I had and some food if any of you are hungry. It is early in the morning."
Currently, it is 5 in the morning, and it was still dark outside. It was easier to sneak into the dungeon in the morning than at night. Because a lot of people tried at night, most of them getting caught while others died. So, the government added another security to the dungeon that Neban did not know of; they turned it on at night.
Wey pulled out an empty bag, "I brought a bag to collect the loot. Would we get questioned when we bring the ameis in to collect the money? We are only porters."
"Yes and No. I know someone who works at Gem Company that will process the loot with no questions asked." Neban answered.
Gem Company was where the ameis and loot go; it was the place that sent the money to the companies for the hunters and porters, where a person can trade and sell, where hunters could buy rare items besides going to a hunter's store, and sometimes hold auctions for S-levels and SS-levels. There are times when they would allow a few A-levels to participate.
Hunters were the only ones allowed to enter the building, so the porters gave all the bags to them. It was honestly dumb to keep porters out, but some hunters ask them too, and whatever the hunters wanted, they got it.
"Okay. That is good." Isona commented.
Neban hummed before he started walking towards the dungeons; the others followed. He stopped when they got near the sensor. There was no way to get behind it and touch it because it would automatically send out a message.
So, he tapped into playing the Supporter.
The supporters had a power that disrupted weapons and electronics for how long they wanted. Neban's technique was a copy, so it was not perfect; that is why he can only do the trick for three hours. "Once I turn the sensors off, start the time." He told Isona as he looked at the sensors.
The sensor blinked once before it completely shut down. Once it was off, Isona started the time on her phone before pocketing her phone.
"Let's go," Neban spoke as he started walking into the dungeon. He was not worried about the sensor; he knew it was off. Although the others nervously kept looking at the sensor as they followed him, hoping it would not turn back on.
They walked into the dungeon, not noticing that the entrance's color turned from blue to a bright red color. The entry also did something it has never done in twelve years, it disappeared.
When they entered the dungeon, it was different from the others they've been in so far. It was like they walked into a forest because trees and grass were everywhere. The area was also foggy, making it a bit hard to see.
"Wow, this is the first time I've been in a dungeon that is in a different environment," Isona said with awe in her tone as she walked towards a tree, touching it. "It feels so real."
Owain and Wey had the same expressions on their faces as they moved towards the trees, touching them. Neban watched them for a second before saying, "We do not have time to observe the environment. Remember the clock."
They blushed in embarrassment, remembering that they had only three hours to kill all the monsters in the dungeon (well, Neban and Siren are the ones who will be killing the creatures).
Neban looked away from them as he summoned Siren in his hand. 'Are you ready to hunt?' He asked the sword.
'Yes, I am.' The sword was vibrating in excitement.
Neban did not say anything after that as he started walking into the forest, going deeper inside it; the others walked behind him, looking at their surroundings.
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