Chapter 26: Vlog & Coming Clean
Chapter 26: Vlog & Coming Clean
(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.
As of this chapter, the patreòn is 13 chapters ahead at chapter 39. I took the day off yesterday, but I'll be writing 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord
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While Peter was patrolling after meeting Agent Coulson that night, he webbed his cellphone to his chest and set it to record during his crime-stopping escapades.
It was too late to edit and upload that night, as Peter has school the next day, so he planned to do it either before or after school.
The next morning, Peter was woken up earlier than usual by his excited Aunt May. She was on her phone and raving about how many followers and subscribers Peter has on his Spider-Man accounts.
"Peter, why didn't you tell me about this?" May waves her phone in front of Peter, who's still half asleep. "Look at this, Barrack Obama follows you on Twitter. The President follows you!"
May started raving about the different celebrities that followed him as well. Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Elon Musk, Tom Cruise, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kim Kardashian, and the list kept growing.
"All of these people followed you and you haven't even tweeted anything yet! You have almost 2 million followers!" May couldn't believe it.
This may have made her more excited than when she learned he was Spider-Man...
"Huh? It passed a million already?" Peter asked as he wipes the sleep from his eyes.
"You have to tweet something!" She says, showing his empty Twitter feed.
"I don't know what to write." Peter says as he looks at the time and sees it's 5 AM, which is an hour before he usually wakes up.
"Well, you have to put something on here. I'm following you now and I want to see you tweet. I'm sure others are waiting as well." May convinces him as she taps the follow button on her phone.
"Sigh, okay. Hand me that laptop over there." Peter says as he points across the room.
"When did you get this?" May asks as she hands it over, not having seen the Ghost laptop before.
Peter hasn't added the protections to it yet, so she could lift the laptop without issue. Though soon enough, his laptop would have the same heavy characteristics as Thors hammer.
"I made it." Peter says as he opens it up and signs into Twitter. 'Maybe I should make a ghost phone as well. Using the laptop for simple posts on Twitter and Instagram is getting annoying.'
Signing into Twitter, Peter turns the laptop toward May.
"You type something." He gives her complete control.
"Okay." May shrugs and types a few keys before pressing tweet. "Done."
"What did you type?" Peter asks as he turns the computer.
"I tweeted 'Hi, I'm Peter Parker'." She says jokingly.
"Very funny." Peter says as he looks at the screen.
Good morning ☀️
"That's it?" Peter grunts as looks up at May.
"What? Did you think that your first tweet needs to be something incredible?" May scoffs.
"I guess I did." Peter realizes that he was being dumb.
May laughs as she walks out of the room, still perusing Twitter on her phone.
"Get dressed and I'll start on an early breakfast as an apology for waking you up." She calls out over her shoulder on her way to the kitchen.
As she leaves, Peter sees the comment, retweets, and likes on his first tweet start climbing at an astronomical pace. As his social media plan moves forward, Peter finds that he's enjoying it more and more.
"Is this how famous people feel?" Peter thought out loud.
Since Peter was woken up earlier than usual, he spent the morning with May in the kitchen eating breakfast while editing down his footage from last night.
May had some time so she watched the footage over his shoulder, cringing at all the times he was shot at or in some other dangerous situation.
One thing made her laugh though.
"Pfft, play that again!" May couldn't hold back her laughter.
All too happy to oblige, Peter rewinds the footage to a part where he had a group of armed robbers webbed up into a big pile. Some were knocked out while others were glaring straight at him, ready to pounce if they had the chance.
"Alright, bad guys. listen up!" The Spider-Man in the video says, as he takes the phone from his chest and holds it selfie-style with the criminals behind him. "It's time to get the thumbnail for my YouTube video. Everyone say busted!"
After saying that, Peter moved the camera around while it was still recording to get the best angle for the thumbnail.
"Did you see the look on their faces?" May found the whole situation hilarious.
Shaking his head with an amused smile, Peter finds the best still image and saves it for the thumbnail later on. Once he finished editing the whole video, Peter uploaded it to YouTube, thumbnail and all.
He titled it: A Day In The Life Of Spider-Man
That's right, Peter uploaded his first generic Vlog and even stuck with the title everyone uses. Though his Vlog is technically anything but generic. He is Spider-Man after all.
With the insane upload speed of his ghost laptop, the video was up on his channel in less than a minute. Going over to Twitter again, he tweeted out his new video as well.
Just uploaded my first Vlog. I'm now officially a YouTuber.
[Link to video]
Tweeting that, Peter closed the laptop and went off to school, where everyone was talking about Spider-Mans new YouTube video. They all watched the video in class behind the teacher's back and at lunch while eating with their friends.
'I wonder if I'll be more popular than Mr. Beast? Though it'll be a while before he starts making videos.' Peter thought as he watched everyone including Ned and MJ freak out over Spider-Man making YouTube videos.
Watching Ned and MJ's reaction to his social media accounts, Peter started to feel bad for not telling them. He decided then and there that he would have to tell them. The question was should he tell them together or separately?
'May already knows. They might as well know too.' Peter thought.
While thinking of this, the school day came to an end and Peter returned home alongside Ned and MJ. He invited them over so he could, hopefully, muster up the courage to reveal that he's Spider-Man.
Before that though, Peter is expecting to hear back about Parker Games today. Checking the mail, Peter found the right paperwork, marking Parker Games as an LLC and an officially licensed business. All of his business paperwork was taken care of.
Now that he had the paperwork finished, all Peter needs to do is open a business account and he can submit Candy Crush to the multiple mobile app stores for review. Once it passes the review, the game would go up for anyone to download. Then the money would start rolling in.
After filing away all of his important paperwork, Peter returned to the living room, where Ned and MJ were waiting.
He decided to just come clean to both of them at the same time, so after closing the blinds, Peter walked in front of them and started pacing back and forth nervously. He didn't know how they would react. After all, he had been lying to them for a while now.
"Uhh, Peter. What's going on?" MJ asks, wondering why Peter was acting so weird.
Just moments ago, Peter was happy about his business paperwork coming back successfully. Now he's pacing in front of them like a nervous wreck.
As Peter was about to switch to his spider suit, Suddenly, the door opened, and in came Aunt May, who starts speaking without paying attention.
"Peter, you won't believe who commented on your last post on Twitter!" May says as she closes the door and takes off her shoes. "Oprah Winfrey said she wants to invite Spider-Man to be a guest on her show."
After a moment of awkward silence, May comes walking into the living room.
"Peter, did you hear me? She invited you to the Oprah Winfrey show. Are you going to..." May stops dead in her tracks as she sees Ned and MJ sitting on the couch. "Oops..."
Silence filled the room but that didn't last long as Ned shot to his feet.
"Y-You're..." He points at Peter with a shaking hand.
"There's no way you're Spider-Man." MJ doesn't believe it but then remembers how Spider-Man waved at her that one time. "It was you that waved at me!"
"Uhh, Yeah." Peter looks away awkwardly.
"You pretended to not believe me!" MJ started to realize.
"Yeah, sorry for messing with you." Peter says genuinely. "You were just being so cute..."
"Wait, prove it." MJ interrupts Peter, unsure if she actually believed this or not.
"Okay, I was about to do that before May showed up anyway." Peter shrugs as his spider suit instantly appears, replacing his earlier clothes.
"Wow..." Ned mutters in awe.
"Oh my god. You aren't lying." MJ stares at Peter with shock clear in her eyes. "When were you going to tell us?"
"Just now actually." Peter says truthfully. "May just beat me to it. "
"Sorry, I didn't think you would bring anyone home and I was excited about Oprah..." May apologizes.
"Just be careful next time. If anyone else ended up hearing, then we would be in big trouble." Peter warns her.
"I will, sorry." May says.
"Dude, you're actually Spider-Man!" Ned's brain finally started working.
"Yeah, cool right?" Peter smiles under his mask.
"It's beyond cool. You're a superhero!" Ned starts going fanboy as MJ walks up to Peter.
"Why did you decide to tell us today?" She asks questioningly.
"Because, May said that If I'm serious about our relationship, then I should tell you. As for Ned, we've been friends for a long time. I was going to tell him sooner or later." Peter explains.
Hearing Peter's reason for telling them, neither could be angry about him keeping this from them until now.
"I'm Spider-Mans best friend!" Ned was over the moon.
"Sigh, you make everything sappy, don't you?" MJ said as she walks up to Peter and wraps him in a hug.
"You like it though." Peter teases her with a smile as he hugs her back. "I'm just glad you guys aren't mad at me."
A/N: 1733 words
[DONT FORGET MY STONES! Or I'll do nothing cuz I'm tired. GN 😴]
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